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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  January 24, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EST

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conquer dinner. one cut of meat at a time. the everyday collection. by tart. captioned by the national captioning institute >> it's 5:00. you definitely want to plan on some extra time for your morning commute. this is a live picture as we drive around washington area roads. the overnight snowfall could make for some icy spots. >> the back roads and neighborhood roads are not
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looking so good. the pentagon prepares to make a huge announcement when it comes to a ban involving female service members. >> a break from the usual work at a prison as inmates took part in a flash mob dance. "good morning washington"at 5:00 begins now. >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> good morning, washington. it's thursday, january 24. very snow outside. i am scott thuman. >> i am pamela brown. loudoun county schools are open --rather , on a two hour delay. fairfax county, two hours arlington, two hour delay. federal agencies are open. montgomery county school ands are
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closed. >> now, jacqui jeras with the weather. >> mainly it has been in southern maryland and towards fredericksburg and stafford county where the schools are closed today. that's where we have picked up two inches or 3 inches. the metro, a quarter inch to an act -- to a half-inch. it is phasing out already along interstate 81. this will phase out within the next few hours. winter weather and advisory in effect until 9:00 this morning. if we will still have maybe just a few snow flurries by 9:00. it's clearing out. snow coming down south of vienna towards falls church, and mclean has a little light snow coming down. bethesda towards college park, where it's more moderate at this time. a second batch of snow to the south, along 95 and east word.
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toward southern maryland, lexington park, visibility reduced a little.they picked up a good two inches of snow. temperatures in the teens. 19 at dulles and manassas, 21 in quantico, 20 in the district at this time. we will see a little sunshine before the day is over. it it's drying up by noon, partly sunny and 26 and noon. 28 degrees and partly cloudy at 9:005:00. the second round of snow is tomorrow. right now from the belfort furniture weather center, some of the votes are pretty slippery -- roads are slippery. jamee? >> beach drive is closed from ro. interstate 905 has a lot of
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activity. in springfield in the center, they need to still treat the hov lanes, so that's not open currently. in dumfries, several incidents. still try to clear an accident near the truck scales. we are jammed with delays in aquia and toward the incident at the truck scales pushing north. in maryland, there is snow on the roads. in the sandy spring area. back to you. >> thank you. 5:04. we want to get to our team of reporters giving you the best views on the road conditions in the d.c. region. >> let's start with brianne carter in virginia. she's on the beltway, we believe. >> i'm along interstate 95 southbound driving around springfield through the mixing bowl interchange.
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the roads are relatively clear along 95 southbound. there were issues along the northbound hov lanes. around 395, we saw some problems as well. there's a lot of snow on that area. here on southbound 95, traffic is picking up and a lot of the snow is on the side. the experts are still rather slippery. when you get on to the roads that lead up to the interstate, they remain covered in snow at this time, so be cautious this morning. we will continue monitoring the roads in northern virginia and we'll have another update in about a half-hour. back to you. >> thank you. a reminder, you can get a better any time with our stormwatch 7 app on your iphone or android. we will have a weather update in a few minutes with jacqui and adam. prince george's county schools
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on a two hour delay. >> police looking into a deadly shooting in annapolis. the man was found shot dead around 11:30 wednesday night in the 900 block of copeland street. police of not release information on a suspect. >> in the day ahead, the pentagon is set to make major changes to its policy on women in combat. defense secretary leon panetta will put an end to the ban on women serving on the frontlines. this would open up thousands of new jobs to female service members, some as soon as this year. critics question whether women have the strength and stamina for certain jobs and that their presence would hurt unit togetherness. >> sailors should start being careful about what they do in their off hours. the navy says it will start conducting random blood alcohol tests on sailors next month. officials say any sailor whose blood alcohol level is 0.404 when reporting for duty will not
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be allowed to work. the marines announced a similar program last month. >> a confirmation hearing will be held today for democratic senator john kerry. gretzky is president obama's choice to be the next secretary of state. john kerry says if confirmed, he will divest holdings in dozens of companies to avoid any possible conflict of interest. a heated exchange involving secretary of state clinton and congress members on the u.s. consulate attack in benghazi. >> no doubt they were terrorists, they killed our people. but what was going on and why they're doing what they were doing -- >> we were misled best there were protests and then something sprang out of that, and assault. >> we have four dead americans. was it because of protest or guys out for what will decided to go kill some americans? what difference does it make? >> senator john mccain criticized clinton, saying the
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families of the four americans of not gotten the answers they deserve. clinton says the state department is moving swiftly to strengthen security and diplomatic posts worldwide. 5:08 on this thursday, 18 degrees. >> still ahead a new warning from north korea when it comes to nuclear testing. >> we will keep an eye on the overnight snowfall. we will have
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>> we have one addition to the school closings and delays. frederick county schools on a two hour delay. get the information on our website, cfr reporters all over the region taking a look at how the snowfall was affecting especially people on their way to work this morning. jummy olabanji is in rockville maryland with a look at conditions. >> good morning. we're off montgomery village road right now. i want to show you the conditions right now. when folks wake-up, they will see about an inch or so of snow on the ground. you can also see it on the trees. a lot of the side roads such as montgomery village a few of them have slick spots. there is snow on the road and
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there could possibly be an ice. the major liked270 doing ok. we took to 70 of the beltway to get here from our station. it was a pretty de a pretty decent drive. -- the major roads like 270 are ok. we took 270 off the beltway to get here from our station. some of these roads are pretty slippery. there is still some snow on the ground. you will see it when you step out your front door this morning. ensure to take it easy if you are headed to work in the next few minutes. that the latest from rockville. back to you in the studio. >> thank you. >> there will be different amounts of snow depending on where you are. what are the snow totals? >> 1/4 inch up to 4 inches.
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that one is not official. that is from maryland. southern maryland is getting most. in the metro about a half-inch. 0.6 in alexandria. this is a photograph from one of our viewers from lexington park, maryland. this was outside his door this morning. that looks like a good 3 inches or 4 inches. let's go to adam caskey and storm chaser 7. i'm sure you woke up like a kid on christmas. >> i brought my hand the tape measure. i was hoping i would have to stretch it out like this to see how deep the snowiest. instead by measuring just under an inch. i will show you. that much snow on the edge of arlington and falls church. patrick henry drive at route 50
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there's a light coating of snow on patrick henry. that is to be expected. sidestreets are slippery. route 50 is pretty wide open with plenty of salt on the road. it is enough chemicals to keep it just damp. this is not the best snowball type of snow. if you pack it as tight as you can, it falls apart. that's because temperatures have been so low. we still have snow falling in seven corners. around the metro area we have a little snow falling. most of it is far south of washington, where we have most of the steady snow and that's where accumulations will be the highest. 17 degrees right now at storm chaser 7. it will be in the 20 today, but it will feel like the teens. let's go back to scott. >> thank you. great job by all of our crew
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members. it's 5:14, 18 degrees. >> coming up on this thursday, how joe biden is
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>> welcome back. some information as far as closures and delays. federal agencies are open today, but there is the option for unscheduled telework and
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unscheduled leave. closings in maryland. charles county and st. mary's county public schools are closed. delays, two hours in montgomery, a restored is, howard, and frederick counties. greg stafford, fauquier, orange county schools are closed. loudoun county and arlington county public schools on a two hour delay. in other news, a new warning from north korea. it says it is prepared to conduct a nuclear test and carry out more long-range rocket launches. it is threatening to wage a full-fledged confrontation against the u.s. for what it calls continued hostility. this follows tuesday's condemnation of north korea by the u.n. security council for launching rocket in december. >> we should learn more today about a battery fired back led to the world wide grounding of the boeing 787 airplanes. the national transportation safety board will provide an update on the investigation into a january 7 fire on a japan
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airlines 787 at boston international. boeing's newest and most technologically advanced aircraft was grounded after another battery fire in japan and a few days later. >> thousands of inmates at a prison in chile took a break from their routine to take part in a flash dance. >> they brought back a classic dance. take a look. >> ♪ macarena ♪ >> it was part of an initiative from prison officials who want to reduce violence among inmates and boost self-esteem and motivation. they're really into it. >> absolutely. >> they are good. i wonder how many snow chances we had last night? >> i don't know. >> may be putting a spoon under the pillow.
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i never heard that until i moved your. and ice cubes in the toilet. facebook me and tell me if i'm right. that is what my kids are telling me. whatever you did last night, it worked. the dusting of snow is here is illawarra of your special across parts of the south. it is still coming down, so these numbers are preliminary. these are few areas i want to tell you about. town creek, maryland almost 2.5 inches, in st. mary's county. in stanton, virginia, 1 inch. 0.6 inches in alexandria. half-inch at dulles and a quarter of an inch in washington. in fairfax, you have at about a half-inch of snow. everything is covered. you can see it out your window this morning. the streets are wet for the most part in the district. everything that sell because we
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are so cold, is sticking. walerga road was treated, it will be covered. 20 degrees is the temperature now, dew point adelstein northeast wind at 10 miles an hour. there's a touch of a wind chills factor this morning. maybe only about 5 degrees. there's light snow for the most part in the district and towards the northern beltway and montgomery county. east of fredericksburg into st. mary's county you are still looking at light to moderate snow showers. you have a couple more hours to go before things will diminish. there you can see all white. and start to see the blue towards bethesda, that's a burst where it's a little heavier. towards montross towards lexington park, they have about 3 inches or so, still coming down. 20 right now in d.c., 19 at dulles, 15 in frederick. we will warm into the mid to upper 20s this afternoon. this is a very fast moving system. you can see how it came through
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in the overnight and it's already beginning to pull off to the east. we have to deal with the second round which is tomorrow afternoon. futurecast as agreed handle on this showing snow showers diminishing by 10:00 at the latest. advisories' expire by 9:00. clearing overnight, partly cloudy. and the clouds will move in by midmorning tomorrow again. we watched them increase throughout the day. maybe 2:00 we will see the snow moving back in especially from the west. we could pick up another 3 inches on top of what we already have. be prepared for that for the drive home tomorrow. snow ending today, becoming partly sunny, temperatures between 25 and 30. partly cloudy tonight, 14 to 20. tomorrow afternoon snow, 25-31 degrees. finally warming up next week with a chance of showers. we have had some accidents already. how are things looking jamee?
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>> a little slippery ground region. in virginia, 395 looking at the main roads, not so bad. off the beltway to the 14th street bridge, treated and mostly wet. on 95, northbound passing quantico dumphries, and toward the truck scales, three accidents. 270, a , and a crash on southbound rte. 80 in urbana. colesville road in downtown silver spring, continuing, arlington boulevard and old georgetown rd. bethesda, looked at this. some of the secondary road getting out of the neighborhoods will be tricky this morning. it is a winter wonderland. river road and seven locks here. allow plenty of distance between you and the car in front of you.
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back to you. >> thank you. we have a couple more delays. two hour delay in alexandria city schools and anne arundel county schools. all the information is at the bottom of your screen. >> also on our website at 5:24, 19 degrees. a live look outside our studio in rosslyn. you will wake up to a winter
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>> 5:00 hour 263 < 10 months before voters head to the polls a new poll shows a dead heat in the virginia governor's race. a survey found 31% of registered voters support mcauliffe while 30% support ken cuccinelli.
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third of virginians are still undecided. half of those polled say they have no opinion on either candidate. a majority of maryland voters don't think governor martin o'malley should run for president in 2016. a research poll found 25% of those surveyed. the democrats should run while 58% say he should not. spike that, more than half of those surveyed think o'malley is doing a good job. is national prominence has risen since he took over the democratic governors' association in 2011. >> it's thursday 5:27, 90 degrees. the news continues. >> live reports from all around the region as we check on the roadways. we will have more on that and
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>> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> straight ahead the roads are huge concern this morning with the chance of slick spots because of the snowfall from overnight. good morning washington. rise and shine, everyone. it'samela brown. >> i am scott thuman. we want to pass along several school closings and the latest. they are on the bottom of your screen. also you can go to website. jacqui jeras is talking about what people are waking up to. >> if you went to bed last night to you might have wondered if this was really in coming. . is. about half an inch across the metro area on average. -- here it is. none of it is melting on contact.
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everything is ticking. the roads that have been treated are wet this morning so you'll have to use a lot of caution. this will come to an end pretty quickly. we have a couple hours ago. we will see nothing but snow flurries. by 9:00 we will be done with this all together, i think. there's a batch in fairfax and towards montgomery county stretching towards baltimore. the second batch is east of 95 into southern maryland, mary's, calvert county, they have the most snowfall so far. a few of our weather reporters have seen as much as four inches in maryland. right now, temperatures in the upper teens, low 20s. the wind is not so bad, but we expect it to pick up throughout the day. we expect to see decreasing clouds. a little sunshine expected this afternoon with our high temperature in the upper 20s. your headlines for today snow ending by midmorning. the second round is tomorrow in
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the mid afternoon. more snow could be expected, and other 1 to 3 inches potentially. warmer temperatures next week. i will have the seven-day forecast in alba. and we will check in with adam caskey out in the elements. -- i will have another attack of the seven-day forecast in a bit. now to jamee. >> there's been a change, interstate 95 in virginia, looks like they of most the pope and the gates to get into the hov lanes -- they have mostly opened the gates to get into the hov lanes. could be a little slippery for everyone. watch tohe on-ramp sans offramp. 295 at duke street, accident reported. maryland on 270, prior to
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109, from route 80, there's been an accident. be careful as you head out. keep plenty of distance between you and the car's front of you. snow still coming down in parts of our area. back to you. >> thank you. 5:34. we want to pass along another closure. prince william county schools are closed today. the rest are the bottom of your screen. all morning, our reporters have been doing the best job you will find for taking a look at conditions as they check the roads in the d.c. region. >> let's get an update from brianne carter in woodbrige. >> we are in a community off the prince william parkway. take a look behind me. this is the issue people are dealing with. they are having to look at this
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mess on the road. this is a sidestreet. now this is where the major problems will happen this morning. once you get on to the prince william parkway, things are starting to clear up. on 95, things are starting to look good. we just saw a snow plow coming through here with a salt trucks. things are starting to look better as more traffic gets on the road. getting appeal in a neighborhood like this is where drivers will start to run into problems, slipping and sliding. and coming around corners too fast. we saw that a moment ago. drivers are little uneasy getting on this. you will want to watch out as you leave your neighborhood. it's where you will encounter the majority of your problems. >> thank you. we have reminder. you can get the weather any time with our stormwatch 7 app on
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your iphone or android. in a few minutes, we will have a live update on the forecast and another check on the roads. >> 5:35 on this thursday, 19 degrees. >> it is cold. still ahead, if we will check with jamee whitten for. an update on the for part find out how much patriots quarterback tom brady will have to pay for [ male announcer ] now
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at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt. we've perfected the pastrami sandwich -- filled with juicy pastrami pickles, yellow mustard and melted cheese. all piled-high on freshly baked bread. taste one at your local subway today! subway. eat fresh.
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>> vice president joe biden teaming up with google plus to discuss gun-control. >> rob nelson has more. >> a victory against cyber crimes. u.s. authorities have arrested three men for unleashing a computer virus that infected more than 1 million computers including systems at nasa and major banks and stole personal banking information. android. app provides delaware protection and locate your device if it is lost or stolen. if it is stolen, lookout may help to catch the thief. the front facing a camera on the phone will snap their picture captured their location, and send an e-mail to the person whose phone it is. >> the apple version has fewer features because apple offers many of them itself. vice-president joe biden will hang out and talk about gun
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control on google+ today. you may suggest questions on the participant's google+ pages. it's a far as i hang o -- fireside hangouts.
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>> hi, we're from jamestown and we're doing pennies or patience for the leukemia and lymphoma society. learn more at the web site. >> good morning, washington. >> rise and shine. that was one of the greetings that the air each weekday. we're giving you the chance to make one. >> and us a video about 10 or 15 seconds long or a link to a youtube clippa. make sure to end its saying ""good morning washington." >> we want to get back to jamee whitten, because it's going to be a busy commute. >> so important.
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some of the areas getting out of the neighborhoods, secondary road, take your time. 395, hov lanes were laid to open because conditions were so poor. -- were late to open. a minor incident with three cars on the shoulder on the hov site just prior to this. 95 northbound out of stanford and towards dumphries and getting through the hov lanes taken easily. in springfield, northbound 95 there have been a couple incidents between dumphries and the truck scales. everything on the shoulders, but it's quite slow. around the beltway, there's wet pavement. everything has been treated. in olney still a lot of snow coverage, as well as silver spring. back to you. >> thank you. we are on the edge of arlington and falls church at route 50
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and patrick henry drive. there's a light coating of snow. route 50 the main artery, is clear the because of the chemical on the ground and has melted the snow. a different story on the side streets. this is patrick henry drive where we have compacted snow. remember your winter driving skills. increase your following distance, drive slower, and brake sooner. this is a necessary tool today. grab it before venturing out. here's a look at the snowfall totals we have seen so far. generally, around the metro area about a half-inch on average. my backyard in arlington, zero. -- 0.2 interests. stanton, 1 inch. at dulles, half-inch. in st. mary's county they had a few inches already.
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we are still having a light snow coming down. i thought it appropriate to break down my special decor for storm chasers 7. there we are. my little snowmen. they have only been here a year- and-a-half waiting for our first snow. my snow excitement factor for tomorrow is currently 2. enlighten us with a little more on that system jacqui. >> it is really sketchy as far as how those two systems will come together. we may end up seeing a dry zone. right now the models looked more likely it for us to pick up another inch or so across the region. we are also getting your pictures and testimonials of how your morning has been going. since the wilcox in the pennsylvania counties sent me a tweet to say they just plow
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the road, so things are looking better. and someone has written me to say that the spoon goes in the freezer, if you want snowfall. we will have more details on the snowfall tomorrow and in a moment. first let's look at your qatar airways travel forecast. >> >> on the ground or in the air you can always be assured of five-star service it.
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>> welcome back. jummy olabanji has been checking conditions in maryland. >> an update on what she is seeing off 270. >> good morning. we are on interstate 270 southbound in frederick county just outside urbana. there was a report of an accident. we are getting ready to approach the accident scene within the next couple seconds or so. i've got to be honest, we took
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270 northbound to get through frederick county. as we drove through montgomery, the roads on 270 got progressively worse. there is still a lot of it slick spots in frederick county. the roads have not been plowed. we're getting ready to pass right here on the right side of the road. you can see the state trooper with two cars on the side of the road. they have gotten into an accident. the backup stretch for couple miles. we just passed the accident, but it is still a slow drive on 270 southbound in frederick county. the roads here are not as good as they were in montgomery county and as you got closer inside the beltway. we continue checking the road conditions here in maryland. right now we are headed southbound towards montgomery county and inside the beltway.
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another live update from maryland in a couple minutes. back to you. >> thank you. >> make the most of it. let's go. >> that was the coach of miami giving his team a pep talk before hosting number-one duke. it worked. the 25th ranked hurricanes gave duke a category 5 p down. the final score 90-63 a huge upset. -- david duke a beat down. maryland visits duke and saturday. -- the hurricanes gave duke a beatdown. >> tim brant has more sports. >> a lot of folks talking about the capitals, putting montreal tonight. everybody wonders if this will be the longest short season of all time. the capitals are 0-2.
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still early to panic. the head coach has put in a new system. players are trying to get back in sync with one another. it is magnified with a first- year coach. >> when you get tired, your decision making those. your brain starts to get lazy and then everything else follows. we are having a tough time with being sharp. whether that is being out of practice or just does not paying attention to details, we have to practice. >> you better correct it tonight before you get to montreal's matchup. >> the nfl has find tom brady $10,000 for unnecessary roughness for taking ravens star ed reed during sunday's
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championship game. the ravens won the game and they will dance at the super bowl. they will play the forty-niners. brady has apologized to reed via text message. >> that is a jump changed for him. the overnight snow caused the slick spots on the road. -- that is chump change for him. >> let's check with jamee whitten on the roads. >> there will be a little less traffic to begin with because people are taking a slower start. still snow on connecticut avenue at veirs mill road. in olney and silver spring and damascus be very careful. here we are at georgia avenue and 108. snow still coming down on river road and seven locks.
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>> i want to linger on that picture for a minute. it looks awesome. >> it is pretty. we might as well have a blanket of snow. >> why this is tough for some of the driving is even though it's just a little, coming down wilson boulevard, people slid a little, so why is it tough? >> it is dry and dusty so it is sticking. the last go-around it was slushy. so that is something to keep in mind this morning. the less traveled streets will be worse. let's look at photographs from our viewers. this is frontandym andy in st. mary's county, four inches than
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he's measuring. southern maryland has been getting the brunt of the storm. we have been getting or testimonials. snow plows have moved through spotsylvania, we are hearing, so that's good news. we hope that your commute will be ok and safe. give yourself extra time. the snow is still coming down, light snow at times and moderate at times. it's in fairfax county and montgomery county and loudon. and we're seeing some east of 95 towards southern maryland and into the delmarva peninsula. winter weather advisory in effect until 9:00. i think we may be only a couple hours left and the snow will be out of here. anytime you see these dark blows toward silver spring is where we are getting moderate snow fall -- dark blues. in dunkirk, is still coming down and beginning to diminish.
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in lusby-- it is still coming down in dunkirk and it is starting to diminish in lusby. it is 19 degrees currently wind chills around 12. temperatures should make it well into the 20s this afternoon today. there you see a clip for pushing through. it will come to an end very quickly. that's why we call it a clipper. our next system is around the corner. if things will be clearing up throughout the day. expect some sunshine before the end of this afternoon. partly cloudy skies tonight into tomorrow. klaus will increase. by mid afternoon, another chance of snowfall. we could pick up two inches. heavier amounts expected away from downtown. back to you. >> thank you. looking at business headlines.
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>> more subway customers breaking out the ruler after the controversy to see if there $5 footlong is really 1 foot long. >> and worries about the 787 dreamliner continue. linda bell is at bloomberg headquarters in new york. >> lots of talk lately about boeing and the 787 dreamliners. the faa did ground the plane earlier this month after battery fires. we're waiting for confirmation about what is wrong with the plane exactly. national transportation safety board will give an update to around 2:30 p.m. this afternoon. the ntsb says six of eight cells of the battery have undergone stands and their examine why they caught fire. there's a sweet spot. u.s. sugar output is at record. that is creating the biggest glut in a decade. it could help reduce costs for chocolate makers such as hershey. we are eating the most sugar
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since the 1970's, but it is not enough to a source of increasing supply. you may have heard about the next story. subway has been accused of selling footlongs that were shorter than 12 inches. the company says the land can vary when a franchise does not make to the exact corporate standards. -- the length. two men are suing and are seeking class-action status. linda bell reporting for abc 7 news. back to you. >> thank you. very interesting. it's about 6:00 on this thursday morning, 19 degrees. we will be right back. b
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